Best Plants For Square Foot Gardening
If You're New To Gardening, Start By Planting These 10 Plants
If you're thumb isn't green yet, these crops and flowers can help.
1. Tomatoes
Ozgurdonmaz / Getty Images
2. Sunflowers
Kwanchaichaiudom / Getty Images
Sunflowers are tough plants that are heat-tolerant as well as pest-resistant. They grow quickly, so they provide exactly the kind of positive affirmation a beginning gardener needs. They're native to North America, so they'll grow easily in most places in the US. Their seeds are also big and easy to handle, which makes them a good seed to plant if you're gardening with kids.
3. Lettuce
Alexraths / Getty Images
Another plant that boosts the confidence of beginning gardeners by growing quickly is lettuce. Lettuce doesn't take much space to grow and requires only basic maintenance. Plus, you can start harvesting lettuce for your salad as soon as leaves are big enough to pluck. Salads just taste better when you grew them yourself. You can read the Gardener's Path growing guide for lettuce here.
4. Zinnias
Bauhaus1000 / Getty Images
Zinnias grow quickly and easily. They bloom heavily, leaving you with a very colorful plant in your backyard. You won't be the only one attracted to your zinnias' colors, though. They also attract butterflies.
5. Green Beans
Frederique Wacquier / Getty Images
Green beans grow easily and don't require a lot of space to do so. You will want to consider whether you're growing bush beans (which, as their name suggests, grow on a bush) or pole beans (which grow on long vines). If you're growing pole beans, be sure to give them some sort of support to grow on, such as a trellis or a fence. The Spruce has all the details you'll need for growing both varieties.
6. Impatiens
Mariia Skovpen / Getty Images
Are you eager to see the fruit of your gardening labor? If so, impatiens are perfect for impatient gardeners. See what we did there? Moving on...
Impatiens do best when they're in shade or partial shade; it's best if you can keep them out of full sun. To keep them as happy as possible, also keep them in moist but well-draining soil. Gardening Know How has more information on getting started.
7. Zucchini
Alvintus / Getty Images
8. Daffodils
Janette Hall / Getty Images
9. Carrots
Kesu01 / Getty Images
So long as you remember a few things, growing carrots can be very easy. First, make sure you're planting them in the cooler parts of the growing season (spring and fall). Also, make sure you're planting them in soil that is very loose, sandy, and unobstructed by things like rocks. If there are rocks under your soil, your carrots could end up stunted.
10. Pansies
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Best Plants For Square Foot Gardening
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